Friday, June 15, 2012

To the past parents of Room 10

As the Chaucer proverb says, "All good things must come to an end".  I want to thank you, all of my dedicated parents from the past year, for your endless commitment to your student's social and academic education.  From day one, your children were ready to learn.  I am proud to say that by the third trimester, they had mastered most 4th grade objectives and we were able to move into 5th grade material. Kudos to you for your outstanding parenting! 

If you would like to discontinue these announcements, simply go to your google account and edit/discontinue your membership to my website.  Unless, of course, you'd like to continue hearing from me...I'm good with that too.  :)

Please let your kids know that I look forward to them coming back to visit me next year and I miss them already...have a super summer!

On the bog at Eddy Discovery Center 2012

Field Day 2012

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