Saturday, September 29, 2012


Homecoming SPIRIT WEEK begins today with "Crazy Clothes Day".  Wear mismatched clothing inside-out or backward.

PTO Frankenmuth Fundraiser Orders AND PAYMENTS are due today.

Book Fair PREVIEW is today.  Students will bring home a "Wish List" today.  Book Fair SHOPPING will be Thursday.

The Unit 1 math study guide will be sent home today.  Students are to complete the study guide as homework and return it on Tuesday, WITH A PARENT SIGNATURE, for extra credit. Math test is Tuesday.

The first monthly At Home Project was sent home today.  This book report project is to be completed AT HOME by, no later than, October 31st.  Please return the bottom portion of the directions, with a parent signature, by the end of the week.

Signed Fun Friday notes (sent home Friday) are due today.

PHEW! As I posted before....we have a VERY busy week!  :)

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