Sunday, November 18, 2012

A Few Reminders


  • Stadium Blanket and Jackson Coffee Co. Fundraisers ended last Friday.  If you still have orders out, please let me know ASAP.  
  • Enjoy the City Coupon Books will go home this week...just in time for you to sell to friends and family over Thanksgiving!
  • November payment(s) are due on the 30th.  Updated payment logs with amount(s) due, if any, were sent home last week.
  • Information on the Nov./Dec. Historical Fiction At-Home Cereal Book Report Project was sent home on Friday.  Please sign and return the bottom half of the instructions so that I know you received them.
  • The project is due on December 17th.
  • We will have a math test on Monday, November 19th.  Study guides were sent home on Friday.
  • There will be a science test on Wednesday, November 21st.  Study guides will be sent home on Monday.
  • Our Big Brothers and Big Sisters Thanksgiving Feast will be held this Wednesday, November 21st at 10:00 a.m.. 
  • I will send home notes reminding you what you signed up to bring for our Thanksgiving Feast on Monday.  
  • All items must be brought to school NO LATER THAN 9:30 a.m. and must be heated (if necessary) and READY TO SERVE.  Thank you!

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