Friday, November 9, 2012


Conference Reminders - I give a big reward to the class if EVERY parent attends parent/teacher conferences.  I also encourage students to attend their conferences.  They love to share their classroom and our meeting time also gives them the opportunity to take pride in all of the hard work that they put into their learning each and every day (plus, I like for them to hear all of the wonderful things we say about them!).

Mackinac Trip Payment Logs - These are being sent home to keep you updated on the status of your account(s).  Thanks to our monthly fundraising, many of you do not have a payment due for the month!

Big Brothers and Big Sisters Thanksgiving Feast - If you haven't already done so, please sign up to bring in a passing dish for our Thanksgiving feast.  A note was sent home today with an updated list of what we could still use for the feast. THANK YOU!  This is always a memorable occasion that your child is able to share with their Big.

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