Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Subway Card Fundraiser Ended Today
Please return all unsold or sold tickets with money by the end of this week.
Information on the next fundraiser (a second raffle ticket sale) will be sent home next month.

Progress Reports
Progress reports will be sent home on Friday.  Please return these with a parent signature on Monday.

Social Studies Test
We will have a Social Studies Test (Midwest Region) NEXT Wednesday.  Study Guides will be sent home on Friday with Progress Reports.

Young Poets Contest
If you have not returned the permission slip for your child to enter the Jackson District Library's Young Poets Contest (poems will be written during school), I will be sending home another form today.  Please return these to school by Friday, as I would like to have all students participate.  Our classroom has had at least one winner for the last three years!

Doktor Kaboom!
$4.00 for this field trip is due February 10th.

Keicher "K"onnections
In order to continue our efforts to "Go Green" at Keicher, we will no longer be sending home a paper copy of the weekly school newsletter/calendar.  As always, you will be able to view the Keicher "K"onnections on the Keicher website.  In addition, I will post a link each week on our classroom website.

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